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Saeka Silicone Grease (Sakaphen Merah) Pembersih Peralatan & Sparepart

Update Terakhir
04 / 03 / 2021
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Medan Safety adalah Perusahaan yang berdiri tahun 2010 yang bergerak di general supplier berikut distributor dan toko yang menjual berbagai keperluan untuk perlindungan diri berikut dengan perlengkapan safety. Kami juga menjual secara grosir maupun eceran tersedia bagi perusahaan yang sedang mencari perlengkapan safety.

Detail Saeka Silicone Grease (Sakaphen Merah) Pembersih Peralatan & Sparepart

Product description:
SAEKA Silicone Grease 81.750 prevents the formation of a continuous water film on insulators in areas with high humidity and protects against flash overs and destruction. When the air is contaminated with flue-ash or salts the additional protection of surfaces with SAEKA Silicone Grease is essential. SAEKA Silicone Grease is applied with a soft brush or a cloth approx. 0.3mm thick and polished shortly. The previously cleaning of the contaminated area with the SAEKA Cleaning Paste 80.750 is necessary. Hautschutzmaßnahmen sind nicht erforderlich. Das Produkt ist physiologisch unbedenklich.

The product is physiologically harmless.
No protection is needed.
Filling weight: 750 g
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